Uma Devi Khatri who was more popular in Hindi films as comedienne Tun Tun started her career as a playback singer. She had to compete with her contemporaries Noor Jehan, Khursheed, Rajkumari and Zohrabai Ambalewali. One of her most popular numbers is Afsana likh rahi hoon from the 1947 film Dard. Later it became difficult for her to survive because of her old style of singing and limited range. Her mentor Naushad had noticed that she had a flair for comedy and suggested that she give a try to acting in films. That clicked for her, and Tun Tun was born.
Listen to a solo in her voice from "Chandralekha" (1948)-a fictional tale of two princes and a village dancer-today. It was a big budget film made first in Tamil and then in Hindi. The film made history as India's first nationwide hit. It was dubbed in several foreign languages and screened at Indian and international film festivals.
Singer: Uma Devi
Lyrics: Pandit Indra
Music: S. Rajeswara Rao
Listen to a solo in her voice from "Chandralekha" (1948)-a fictional tale of two princes and a village dancer-today. It was a big budget film made first in Tamil and then in Hindi. The film made history as India's first nationwide hit. It was dubbed in several foreign languages and screened at Indian and international film festivals.
Singer: Uma Devi
Lyrics: Pandit Indra
Music: S. Rajeswara Rao
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