"The Dirty Picture" (2011) was based on the life of Silk Smitha, a leading lady from South India known for her bold scenes in films. It is ironic that this film ended up exploiting the same tricks, namely titillation and exposure, that it had set out to comment on. Vidya Balan received heaps of praise for her uninhibited portrayal of the protagonist. In fact, she carried the whole film on her shoulders. A raunchy duet from this film today. Complete with gaudy costumes and garish sets, it is reminiscent of the eighties, the period in which this story is set.
I had written a post on this film two years ago. It is here. This film's music had failed to impress me, but I must admit that this is the most likeable song from the lot.
Singers: Shreya Ghoshal, Bappi Lahiri
Lyrics: Rajat Arora
Music: Vishal Shekhar
I had written a post on this film two years ago. It is here. This film's music had failed to impress me, but I must admit that this is the most likeable song from the lot.
Singers: Shreya Ghoshal, Bappi Lahiri
Lyrics: Rajat Arora
Music: Vishal Shekhar
As an aside, was this duet "inspired" by this one from "Mawaali" (1983)?
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