"Miss Mary" (1957) was an entertaining comedy/drama starring Meena Kumari and Kishore Kumar. This film is one of those that were made before Meena Kumari turned into a sob queen. She looks lovely and Kishore Kumar is in great form with his antics. With songs such as "O raat ke musafir chanda zara bata de", "Gaana na aaya bajaana na aaya", "Ye mard bade dil sard", it is a wholesome package. Presenting a melodious duet from this film today. It is always a pleasure to listen to the two legendary sisters together.
Singers: Asha Bhosle, Lata Mangeshkar
Lyrics: Rajendra Krishan
Music: Hemant Kumar
Singers: Asha Bhosle, Lata Mangeshkar
Lyrics: Rajendra Krishan
Music: Hemant Kumar
Indeed a very nice song. I have missed posting this one on my blog till now. Will appear soon!