"Madhumati" (1958) is an iconic film. It was an ambitious project of Bimal Roy who produced and directed the film. It was adorned with great music by Salil Chowdhury and superb performances by the lead couple--Dilip Kumar and Vyjayanthimala--along with the rest of the cast. The story by Ritwik Ghatak was woven around the theme of reincarnation. It went on to win several awards.
Presenting a duet from this film today. In spite of the outdoor shoot, the song has a certain stillness about it. Dilip Kumar hardly moves while Vyjayanthimala's movements allow us to see the location as the camera follows her. She is a trained classical dancer, but her steps here are simple; suiting her character of an innocent village woman. Only her expressive eyes and face are a giveaway! This is a lovely song composed using elements of Hungarian folk music.
Another song Ghadi ghadi mora dil dhadke from the same film has appeared in this space in a different theme.
Singers: Lata Mangeshkar, Mukesh
Lyrics: Shailendra
Music: Salil Chowdhury
Presenting a duet from this film today. In spite of the outdoor shoot, the song has a certain stillness about it. Dilip Kumar hardly moves while Vyjayanthimala's movements allow us to see the location as the camera follows her. She is a trained classical dancer, but her steps here are simple; suiting her character of an innocent village woman. Only her expressive eyes and face are a giveaway! This is a lovely song composed using elements of Hungarian folk music.
Another song Ghadi ghadi mora dil dhadke from the same film has appeared in this space in a different theme.
Singers: Lata Mangeshkar, Mukesh
Lyrics: Shailendra
Music: Salil Chowdhury
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